

Kasese to experience heavy rains this month, UNMA has warned

BY JOACKIM KULE The Uganda National Metrological Authority (UNMA) has warned that Kasese district and the entire Western region will receive.

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Minister Kabbyanga advises NRM members not to miss the update and display exercise of the party register

BY JOEL KAGUTA National Resistance Movement (NRM) members across the country have been advised not to miss the exercise of.

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Kasese residents warned against sabotaging the ongoing NRM register update

BY ZALIMON BASIGHALHA (GOOD LUCK) The Kasese District National Resistance Movement (NRM) Secretary for Publicity, Mr. Johnson Kamalha Kalyasa has.

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Kasese Parents encouraged to take their children to practical courses

BY XAVIER LINUS KULE Ms Hilda Businge, the Hima Town Council L. C III Chairperson has appealed to the parents.

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Kasanzi primary school in Bugoye sub-county grapples with a challenge of limited latrine stances

BY JOACKIM KULE Kasanzi Primary School in Bugoye sub county, Busongora County North in Kasese district is grappling with a.

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One dies after committing suicide by poisoning in Muhokya Town Council

BY ISAAC MUMBERE A man in his early 50s was today morning discovered dead in Lyemibuza Cell, Muhokya Town Council.

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A principal Town Agent in Kasese in trouble over allegations of misappropriating Parish Development Model funds

BY JOACKIM KULE A Principal Town Agent attached to Kasese District Local Government who allegedly gave herself money under the.

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35 -year-old man goes missing in Nyakatonzi sub- county, Kasese

BY OBED KULE KITHENDE SIBAMINYA The search for a 35 – year-old Geoffrey Mbafu, a resident of Bukangara I village,.

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Court orders Mr. Daniel Kashagama to pay shillings 1,000,000 over malicious damage

BY OBED KULE KITHENDE SIBAMINYA Mr. Daniel Kashagama Ndahura II has been ordered by the Kasese Chief Magistrate’s Court to.

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NRM members in Kasese asked to support the exercise of displaying and updating the party’s register

BY ZALIMON BASIGHALHA (GOOD LUCK) The Kasese District NRM Office has implored all party members and supporters across the district.

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