Ms Justine Mutabazi, the Assistant RDC for Kasese district has likened the failure by teachers to fulfill their distinguished roles to corruption in the education system.
The Assistant RDC who is currently monitoring the institutions learning sounded the remarks today morning while addressing teachers at Railway Primary School in the Central Division of Kasese Municipality.
She noted that sometimes teachers fail to attend to the learners fully without giving genuine reasons hence leading to poor performance among the learners, describing the act as corruption.
Ms Mutabazi appealed to the teachers to always work towards accomplishing the tasks assigned to them so that their learners register success.
She also observed need for the school management committees to always schedule meetings with the parents as one way of discussing them the challenges being faced at their respective institutions of learning so that together they devise means of overcoming them.
Mr. Selevano Kiribyunza, the Head teacher at Railway Primary School who conquered with the RDC’s submissions, pledged to motivate his staff so that they improve on their weak areas of work.
He, on the other hand, requested the RDC to embark on sensitizing the parents about the programs in the new curriculum in order for them to cope up with such developments.