

UWA set to evict 66 people from the Queen Elizabeth National Park land in Kasese Municipality

BY JOACKIM KULE Sixty six people from the Railway Ward in the Central Division of Kasese Municipality who have allegedly.

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Uganda Police facilitate the exhumation of two bodies in Kasese

BY JEROME KULE BITSWANDE The Police have finally facilitated the exhumation of bodies of two persons that were reportedly killed.

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Families resort to receiving dowry in market places

BY JOACKIM KULE The Police in Kasese district have expressed concern over the increase in teenage marriages within the district..

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Catholic Priest emphasizes tree planting in Kasese

BY OBED KULE KITHENDE Residents of Kasese town have been courted to embrace tree planting as means to mitigate the.

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Retired Archbishop Orombi takes gospel of salvation to Kasese District Local Government staff

BY JEROME KULE BITSWANDE The retired Archbishop of the Church of Uganda, His Grace, the Most Rev. Henry Luke Orombi.

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Kasese District Local Government overwhelmed by huge numbers of teachers seeking early retirement from Public Service

BY JOACKIM KULE Kasese District Local Government is currently overwhelmed by a huge number of teachers seeking early retirement from.

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Rwenzori Organization for Children Living under Difficult Circumstances hands over 10 latrines to schools in Kyondo sub county

BY JOACKIM KULE The Rwenzori Organization for Children Living under Difficult Circumstances (ROCDIC) with funding from three donor organizations has.

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Omusinga set to visit Bukonzo County East in Kasese district

BY ISAAC MUMBERE A delegation of officials from Obusinga Bwa Rwenzururu today held a meeting with a number of stakeholders.

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South Rwenzori Diocesan Bishop encourages evangelists to preach the gospel regardless of their religious affiliations

BY ISAAC MUMBERE Evangelists in South Rwenzori Diocese have been encouraged to preach the gospel of Christ to all the.

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ICT State Minister asks government to allow students move with smart phones to schools

BY ZALIMON BASIGHALHA (GOOD LUCK) The State Minister of ICT and National Guidance, Godfrey Baluku Kabbyanga has observed need for.

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