Two loose lives to natural disasters in Kasese, Western Uganda


At least two people have lost their lives to the natural disasters that have been befalling Kasese district within this week.

The revelation was made today morning by the District Disaster Focal Person, Mr. Joseph Singoma, who also doubles as the District Senior Planner during a Disaster Management Committee meeting that was held at the District Council hall.

Mr. Singoma mentioned the victims including Juliet Biira, a resident of Kiraro Village in Kitholhu sub-county who was struck dead by lightening on Monday evening following a heavy down pour that befell the area and Jockus Baluku, a senior two student at Sadex High School in Maliba Town Council who drowned in River Mubuku last evening as he attempted to cross to their home in Bugoye sub-county.

It is said that the incident happened after the river had had its water volumes increase following a heavy down pour that started in the morning hours.

The shocking incidents come at a time when the district is expected to receive above normal rains associated with hailstones and lightening as forecasted by the Uganda National Metrological Authority (UNMA).

Mr. Singoma explained that in addition to losing lives, a lot of property including crops and houses were also destroyed from the areas of  Buhuhira, Ibanda-Kyanya, Rugendabara -Kikongo Town Council, Maliba and Kitswamba sub counties within this month.  

During the meeting, the District Chairperson, Mr. Eliphaz Muhindi Bukombi said the district’s vulnerability to disasters was high, calling for an immediate attention from all stakeholders.

According to him, the funding for the disaster response activities remains low due to the meager resources at the district level.

Ms Ruth Kaija, the Town Clerk for Kithoma –Kanyatsi Town Council who chaired the meeting on behalf of the Chief Administrative Officer, quickly observed need for the Planning department to secure some funds and support the Disaster Management Committee so that it effectively implements its planned activities aimed at preventing the occurrence of disasters.


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