
Recent cases of Maternal Mortality at St. Pauls HC IV blamed on delayed referrals of expectant mothers


The Administrator at St. Paul’s Health Centre IV in Kasese Municipality has blamed the recent cases of maternal mortality at the health facility to the delayed referrals of expectant mothers.

St. Paul’s Health Centre IV is a Private Not for Profit Health facility that was established in 1989 by South Rwenzori Diocese with support from some visitors who came from Ireland.

St. Paul’s Health Center IV. Photo By Zalimon Basighalha (Goodluck)

The facility started as a Mission Health Centre to serve the people of God through the provision of health services.

Rev. Noah Masereka Kijuguta, the facility Administrator says there had been a public outcry over the increased rate of maternal mortality at the Anglican based institution but ably explained that the said cases were as a result of delayed referrals of expectant mothers.

The Church Minister clearly states that the expectant mothers are sometimes referred to the health facility seeking caesarian services when it is too late after being delayed at some Health Centre IIIs and by Traditional Birth Attendants- TBAs. 

The Man of God stresses that after realizing the problem of delayed referrals, the facility Administration in partnership with the office of the Bishop of South Rwenzori Diocese and the District Health Officer have embarked on sensitizing the general public about the importance of early reporting of expectant mothers.

Rev. Noah Masereka Kijuguta, Administrator-St. Paul’s Health Center IV in Kasese Town. Photo By Zalimon Basighalha (Goodluck)

According to him, the campaign has led to a reduction of maternal mortality at the facility. 

He, however, explains that they are challenged by the increased number of escapees who fail to pay money for the medical bills and inadequate funds from the Central Government. 

He also says despite their current status as a Health Centre IV, they are offering services similar to that of a Hospital, appealing to government to expedite the process of elevating the facility to a Hospital status, adding that the Bishop’s office and the facility management and working tooth and nail to ensure that all the necessary equipment are put in place. 

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