Parents encouraged to show love, support and commitment to schools in Kasese


Parents in Kasese district have been encouraged to show love, support and commitment to the various schools that their children study from.

The encouragement was sounded today by the Coordinator of Bridge for Peace Uganda, Mr. Selevest Masereka Mapoze, while addressing the parents and teachers during a graduation ceremony of the Top Class Nursery pupils at Bridge for Peace International School in Kasese town.

The function also involved a thanksgiving of the institution and the learners for the achievements registered in the two years of existence.

Mr. Mapoze, who also doubles as the L. C III Chairperson for Mpondwe – Lhubiriha Town Council, wondered why some parents in Kasese district love taking their children to schools outside the district instead of loving and supporting the institutions of learning within their district so that they also excel in academics.

According to him, the heads of schools and teachers at Nursery, Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Institutions are very committed to teaching the learners and making sure that they perform well. He, however, stressed that they are always betrayed and demoralized by the parents who intentionally decline to pay money for the school requirements.

As a political leader, Mr. Mapoze said he was not happy with some parents from Kasese who have continued taking their best performing children to schools outside the district yet Kasese has the potential teachers that can make the learners perform well.

To the teachers, Mapozi, appealed to them to build a firm foundation as well as providing holistic education to the learners including empowering them with skills, knowledge and the love of God for sustainability.

 Rev. Fr. Joseph Mbusa, the Education Secretary for the Diocese of Kasese, called upon the parents to take care of their children through giving them a conducive learning environment at their respective homes during the current holiday break.

The Man of God also encouraged the parents to engage and involve their children in some domestic activities as they monitor their movements during the holiday break.

He observed need for them to help and support their children in setting future goals, visions and missions as well as nurturing them spiritually, socially and culturally.

The graduation ceremony left 40 Top Class Nursery pupils promoted to primary one. The function was presided over by the Kasese Municipal Education Officer, Mr. Emmy Mwesige Kayiri.


1 Comment

  • Baritazale Kule December 2, 2023

    Very good message for the parents of Kasese. Thanks Mr. Mapose. We indeed have committed teachers. Let the parents leave the children here, pay fees timely like they do in those schools outside Kasese and see how performance of our schools will improve. Thanks Messiah radio for this innovation.

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