Omusinga Mumbere calls on government to investigate cancerous cases

By Joel Kaguta

The Rwenzururu King has called on government to launch an investigation into the increasing cancerous cases from Kasese district at Mulago National hospital.

Omusinga Charles Wesley Mumbere Irema-Ngoma says that Kasese registering many cases of cancer at various health facilities is worrying the populace.

Both scientists and environmentalists especially those working with Mulago National hospital and Makerere University have revealed that indeed the district is sending many cancer patients.

In February this year, Dr. Abraham Mwesigye, an environmentalist attached at Makerere University stated that copper pollutants are slowly contaminating River Nyamwamba which is eventually used by many families as a source of water for domestic use.

 The same revelations were confirmed by Dr. Benjamin Mwesige who led a team from Uganda Cancer Institute to come in Kasese to conduct cancer screening and the results were shocking.

According to Mwesige, one of the factors pointed at is the quality of water that people drink and the food many families eat.

It is against this background that Omusinga asks the Ministry of Health to come on ground and carryout more research about the skyrocketing figures of cancer patients at Mulago Cancer.

Omusinga said this today morning while meeting with members of Kyabatukura village who paid him a courtesy call at his residence in Kamaiba cell in Central Division of Kasese Municipality. ENDS.


  • zonus Mase Muhesi October 26, 2023

    Sincerely these so called bihalhangaka are preserved with which chemicals.these chemicals may b hazardous to peoples lives.en majorly bihalhangaka are commonly consumed in kasese district in comparison to the whole Ug districts

  • zonus Mase Muhesi October 26, 2023

    Sincerely these so called bihalhanganga are preserved with which chemicals.these chemicals may b hazardous to peoples lives.en majorly bihalhanganga are commonly consumed in kasese district in comparison to the whole Ug districts

  • Masereka Sylvanhos October 26, 2023

    Most eminently is, the government and it’s medical personnels should thoroughly Carry out More research on the the major cause of that hazardous disease. If so, are the people around nyamwamba river the only ones affected or not?
    To me copper may not be the major cause because our grandparents used to drink water of River nyamwamba but were not affected like today. Should we say copper wasn’t there by the time our grandparents were alive? We need clear information about.
    In a nutshell, are cancer cases emerging from areas around nyamwamba river only?

    I rest my case

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