Nyakabingo sub-county residents pronounce their total allegiance to the ruling NRM party


A section of residents from Nyakabingo Sub-county in Busongora County South, Kasese district has said it wants the ruling NRM party to stay in power following its determination on peace, stability, socio-economic transformation and infrastructural development in the country.

The residents made the remarks yesterday during the official launch of the construction works of a 5 kilometer Bukumbia -Kyambogho road that will be funded by the Central Government at a tune of shillings 124 million.  The launch was held at Kasindi Trading Centre in Kyambogho Parish.

The said road is expected to be constructed in two phases with the first one that involves road opening consuming shillings 50 million.

Mrs. Apofia Masika Lhulengo, a resident of Kibalya village in Kyambogho parish says the NRM government has focused much on promoting peace, supporting people’s local businesses and improving roads to help the residents transport their agricultural produce to the market centres as well as getting access to the existing health facilities.

According to her, the mothers have been finding it hard to access medical services due to impassable roads and some financial constraints unlike today where almost all villages have access to improved road network, a reason why she pledges her total support to the ruling NRM party.

 Mrs. Jane Mutsukunda, a resident of Kathoma village explains that the NRM government has created space for all the citizens to carry out their businesses through the establishment of improved markets.

The Nyakabingo Sub-county Chairperson, Mr. Charles Thembo Kahitisani says the sitting government has evenly distributed services and employment opportunities to the citizens.

Mr. Robert Mbusa Kisunzu, the Kasese District Secretary for Works and Technical services, appeals to the residents to utilize the roads through making businesses that create an impact on their livelihoods.

Hon. Gideon Thembo Mujungu, the Busongora County South Member of Parliament who says lobbied for a special road fund from government for the benefit of Nyakabingo road, assures the residents that more roads would be worked upon since they have been budgeted for.

He adds that Besenia –Kyapa Road will be worked upon with effect from next month purposely to connect the Central Division of Kasese Municipality to the Mountainous sub-counties 

Mujungu also reveals that the current budget has captured the construction of a modern administration block to house the Nyakabingo Sub-county headquarters.

The Kasese Resident District Commissioner, Lt. Joe Walusimbi who was the Chief Guest applauded the population for loving and supporting the sitting government through embracing its programs.

According to him, working on the roads is a fulfillment of the political pledges made to the citizens in the NRM Manifesto.



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