Members of Youth Experts in Fashion and Design receive shillings 5 million from Madaraka Cares


Mr. Douglas Yofesi Saturday, the Executive Director for Madaraka Cares, a Kasese District based Civil Society Organization has donated shillings five million to a youth group in Nyamwamba Division, Kasese Municipality.

The money was today morning handed over the members of Youth Experts in Fashion and Design group who recently completed a skills’ training in Tailoring and Garment Cutting with sponsorship from Madaraka Cares.

While handing over the donation to the beneficiaries at Madaraka Cares Skills’ Centre located in Nyakasanga Upper Cell, Mr. Saturday explained that his aim was to help the youth with a start-up capital so that they are empowered to establish their own business for self reliance.

Speaking on behalf of the beneficiaries, Mr. Rasto Mbaju, who hailed Mr. Saturday for his financial support to them, also pledged to establish their own skills’ centre that would benefit the community without any financial implications.

Later, a delegation from Madaraka Cares led by Mr. Obed Musumba, the Organizations Manager proceeded to Mwaro Cell in Rukooki Ward to officially open another skills’ centre in the area that would cater for the youth in the surrounding cells.

At the function, Mr. Musumba told the gathering that they decided to open a skills’ centre in the area to shorten the distance that would be travelled by the youth while seeking services from Madaraka Cares.

Ms Rose Kayesu, a female youth in Mwaro Cell appealed to her fellows to use the centre as an opportunity for them to realize economic empowerment.


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