Kasese residents encouraged to fight disasters

The Kasese District Disaster Management Committee has encouraged the residents to continue putting in place measures that would help them go through the current rainy season without registering further negative impacts on their livelihoods.

In late August this year, the Uganda National Metrological Authority (UNMA) warned that rainfall in the Rwenzori region and some parts along the Lake Victoria Basin might be above normal.

UNMA described the anticipated rains to be associated with lightening, heavy winds and hailstorms alongside the prevalence of pests and diseases to the production sector in the districts of Kasese, Bunyangabu, Kabarole, Ntoroko and Bundibugyo.

But despite having not received much rain, the committee argues that the season is still on and extends to December.

Mr. Joseph Isingoma, the Kasese District Senior Planner who is the Focal Person for the Disaster Management and Preparedness Committee says ever since the season started, they have so far registered a loss of life where a woman from Kyalhumba Sub County drowned into river Muruseghe, breaking of bridges in Maliba and some classrooms whose roofs were blown off at Kabirizi primary in Lake Katwe sub county.

Isingoma therefore warns the local population against the practice of tempering with the river banks in an attempt to avoid creating multiple channels that would give a lee way to the flooding water to stray into the communities and crop gardens.

According to him, the challenges of floods have been persistent in Karusandara Sub County because of the farmers who allegedly channel the water from the rivers into their crop gardens.


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