Kasese Master of ceremonies tipped on professional code of conduct


The Kasese Deputy RDC in-charge of Busongora County has encouraged the Masters of Ceremonies (MCs) to always do their work professionally and avoid involving themselves in active politics as they execute their work. 

Mr. Zepher Mubingwa argues that most MCs sometimes go astray to their work by involving and working for politicians from certain political parties. According to him, such politicians compromise and pressurize the MCs to give same platforms to character assassinate their rivals.

Mubingwa explains that such a vice does not portray a good image to the fraternity, appealing to the MCs to always remain non- partisan while exercising their duties.

He observes need for the MCs to always use their platforms to sensitize the communities about the need to become security conscious and vigilant as well as working with the security agencies in their pursuit for the suspected ADF remnants. Mubingwa also warns the general public against the practice of playing with some strange objects and machines dumped along the roads and garbage collection centres.

Mr. Milton Wangalima commonly known as MC Salongo, the Chairperson for Kasese MCs fraternity says they decided to conduct a three –day training at Liberty College of Management and Journalism to equip the members with the necessary skills of using their talents to attract the audience while executing their work. 


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