
Kasese man arrested for defiling 1-year-old daughter


Police at Katwe Divisional Police are having in custody a 38 year-old man for allegedly defiling his one-year-old biological daughter.

James Byaruhanga, a resident of Nyamatunga II in Nyakatonzi sub-county in Kasese District is reported to have committed the heinous act at his home on Friday before running into hiding. 

Apparently, Byaruhanga committed the crime after his wife had gone to borrow some salt only to return home and find the child crying with blood oozing out of her private parts.

However, ASP Nelson Tumushiime, the Rwenzori East Regional Police Spokesperson says Byaruhanga’s hideout was busted today in the neigbouring Kinyamaseke Town Council.

Tumushiime says police have preferred charges of aggravated defilement against the suspect and file has been processed pending court prosecution.

The Police mouthpiece says it is unfortunate that parents who should ideally provide security are fast-becoming a threat to their own children; inflicting abuse and inhumane treatment to them.


  • Aaron owa ntabawara June 4, 2023

    This is satanism, such people are either drug addicts or are looking for spiritual wealth. Let him be charged maximum ly so as to serve as an example for others.

  • Bwambale Solomon June 6, 2023

    This is Satan Really, may he be worked upon accordingly. Very bad for sure

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