Employees challenged for life after retirement


Workers have been urged to always exhibit commitment at their various work places and endeavor to leave a mark when they eventually exit.

The advice was sounded yesterday by Rev. Solomon Badaki, the human resource manager at Kagando Rural Development Centre – KARUDEC while addressing the workers who were set to retire and others who had been transferred from the facility.

KARUDEC is the development arm of South Rwenzori Diocese which manages Kagando Hospital, Kagando School of Allied Health Sciences and the school of nursing and midwifery.

At the function where the facility was also bidding farewell to doctors who had finished their one-year internship at the hospital, Rev Badaaki emphasized the need for employees to always ensure that their employers feel their absence when they leave.

He expressed his gratitude to the employees at KARUDEC who are set to leave the organization and start new chapters in their lives.

Rev. Nason Mugisa, the Kagando Hospital Administrator noted that whenever employees love their job, they perform better.

He urged the intern doctors to go serve patients elsewhere with love and humility.

 Ms. Rosemary Sekanabo and Mrs. Mary Thembo who had served Kagando Hospital for 37 years and 38 years respectively noted how they were so pleased and happy to have been part of the KARUDEC family.


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