
Catholic Diocese of Kasese Ordains New Priests and Deacons, Strengthening Spiritual Leadership


The Catholic Diocese of Kasese celebrated the ordination of a new group of priests and deacons, further enriching the spiritual leadership within the diocese. The ordination ceremony took place at St. John Evangelist Minor Seminary in Kiburara and was officiated by the esteemed Diocesan Bishop, Rt. Rev. Francis Aquirinus Kibira.

This significant event marks the ordination of the 73rd and 74th priests in the history of the diocese. During the ceremony, Rev. Fr. Loti Bwambale from Kyarumba Parish and Rev. Fr. Modest Bwambale from Nyakahya Parish were ordained as priests.

Alongside them, three individuals, Ednus Mumbere, Fredrick Masereka, and Morris Thembo, were ordained into the order of deaconate. The ordination ceremony was brought to life by the vibrant participation of Nsenyi Parish. In his sermon, Bishop Kibira delivered an inspiring message to the congregation, emphasizing the importance of priests actively building and nurturing communities within the parishes they serve.

He reminded the priests that their role is one of service to the people, urging them to lead by example and to share the teachings of Jesus Christ through their words and actions. The Bishop’s homily revolved around the theme “Go and Bear Fruits that Last,” highlighting the significance of bearing sweet fruits to the community by demonstrating love, compassion, and the transformative power of faith.

During the ordination mass, Hon. Godfrey Baluku Kabbyanga addressed the newly ordained priests, urging them to fulfill their duty of preaching against immoral acts prevalent in society, including terrorism and homosexuality.

He commended the role of the church in upholding moral values and encouraged priests to remain steadfast in their mission.

Notable dignitaries in attendance included Rt. Rev. Nason Baluku from South Rwenzori Diocese, Hon. Gideon Thembo Mujungu (MP Busongora South), Atkins Godfrey Katusabe (MP Bukonzo West), Kasese Municipality MP Ferigo Kambale, and Christine Muhindo, the Senior Presidential Advisor in charge of Rwenzori Region.

Mr. Eliphaz Muhindi Bukombi, the Kasese District Chairperson, also highlighted the importance of the church’s support in combating corruption, which hampers public development and welfare.

The ordination ceremony was a testament to the continued growth and spiritual vitality of the Catholic Diocese of Kasese. As the newly ordained priests and deacons embark on their sacred journey of serving God and the community, may they find strength and inspiration in the teachings of Christ, and may their ministry bear lasting fruits that bring about positive change and spiritual upliftment.

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