

UNMA plans to introduce more Automatic Weather Detector Machines in the Rwenzori sub-region

BY JOACKIM KULE & XAVIER LINUS KULE The Uganda National Meteorological Authority (UNMA) has revealed plans of introducing more Automatic.

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Parents challenged to think of the legacies to leave to their children

BY ISAAC MUMBERE The Kasese District Chairperson, Mr. Eliphaz Muhindi Bukombi has challenged the parents to think of the legacies.

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Christians urged to prepare for the next destination

BY ISAAC MUMBERE Christians wherever they are have been urged to prepare for their next destinations when they are still.

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Omusinga Mumbere urges the youth to embrace vocational skills

BY JOACKIM KULE The Rwenzururu King, Omusinga Charles Wesley Mumbere Iremangoma has urged the youth to embrace vocational skills and.

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LCI Chairpersons call for water harvesting techniques

BY OBED KULE KITHENDE SIBAMINYA A section of Local Council I Chairpersons from the Central Division in Kasese Municipality has.

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Kasese Municipal leaders encouraged to sensitize the slum dwellers to form SACCOs so that they are helped by the line ministry

BY XAVIER LINUS KULE Kasese Municipal leaders have been encouraged to sensitize the slum dwellers (residents) to embrace the culture.

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Isango sub -county grapples with poor road network

BY ZALIMON BASIGHALHA (GOOD LUCK) Residents of Isango Sub-county in Bukonzo County West, Kasese district are still grappling with a.

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Early warning system, installed along River Nyamwamba to be commissioned

BY JOACKIM KULE The World Food Programme (WFP) in partnership with Red Cross Society Limited will on Thursday this week.

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Kasese Deputy RDC applauds Y-FURI for its efforts towards socio-economic transformation

BY ZALIMON BASIGHALHA (GOOD LUCK) The office of the Kasese Resident District Commissioner (RDC) has commended the operations of Youth.

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Former Kasese CAO laid to rest at his home in Kisinga Town Council

BY JACKSON BUSEKU The body of the fallen former Kasese District Chief Administrative Officer, Elijah Kabarole has today been laid.

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