Bishop directs Church of Uganda founded schools on midday meals provision


The South Rwenzori Diocesan Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Nason Baluku has directed the Head teachers of the Church of Uganda founded schools across the Diocese to sit with the parents and Boards of their respective schools so that together they devise means of giving midday meals to the children.

The Bishop sounded the directive today afternoon while addressing over 100 Head teachers of the Church of Uganda founded schools across the Diocese at Kamaiba Youth Centre in Kasese town. The meeting was aimed putting in place strategies that would lead to an improvement in the academic performance among the learners.

The Prelate argued that many learners in schools were not performing well because they study on empty stomachs, a reason why he directed the Head teachers to cooperate with the parents so that the challenge is amicably solved.

He, however, used the same platform to applaud the works done by the Head teachers of schools that uplifted the name of the Diocese during the recently released 2023 P.L.E and UCE results.

The Man of God also commended government for playing her role in the education sector and challenged parents and teachers to also play their distinguished roles towards the academic excellence of the learners. 

Rev. Asa Masereka Kiriaghe, the South Rwenzori Diocesan Director of Education commended the Heads of schools for the good work done in their respective institutions but challenged them not to relax until they retire from active service.

Mr. Benjamin Masereka, the Head teacher at Kisinga Vocational Secondary School in Kisinga Town Council told Messiah Radio shortly after the meeting that they were impressed by the Bishop’s inspirational speech in which he observed need for the learners both in primary and secondary schools to have midday meals at their respective institutions.

Mrs. Sadress Masika Kikenge, the Head teacher at Buzira Primary School, on the other hand, revealed that they did not perform as expected because most of her teachers trek long distances to and from their places of work.


1 Comment

  • Agnes February 22, 2024

    Good idea from the man of God

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