
Anti-gay law: Church condemns death penalty


The Church of Uganda has applauded President Museveni for assenting to the Anti-Homosexuality Act, 2023.

The Archbishop of the Church of Uganda, Stephen Samuel Kaziimba Mugalu, says the law will go a long way in protecting children from harmful practices. He has however expressed reservations with the death penalty, saying the church supports life and thus in principle, it does not support the death penalty for aggravated defilement and aggravated homosexuality.

The legislation imposes the death penalty in aggravated cases, which include having gay sex with someone below the age of 18 or where someone is infected with a life-long illness including HIV.

The Archbishop has instead recommended the punishment of life imprisonment.

He meanwhile says the law will not solve all the country’s challenges, asking Ugandans to examine their own hearts and repent of sexual greed.

1 Comment

  • Kikusa Moses May 31, 2023

    For lord’s mercy that is how the church works
    However the bible say wadges of sin is death

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