Local leaders want government to take up Nsubuga Memorial SS in Kasese


Local leaders and a section of residents from Munkunyu Sub-county in Bukonzo County East, Kasese district have appealed to government through the Ministry of Education and Sports to grant –aid Cardinal Nsubuga Memorial Secondary School in the area.

There appeal comes after Munkunyu Secondary School which is government grant –aided was taken by Kinyamaseke Town Council when it was curved out of the lower local government in 2018 and according to a government policy, Munkunyu sub-county which has remained without any government grant –aided secondary school, deserves one.

Mr. Sezi Tibamwenda, the Sub-county NRM Chairperson and Mr. Prutazio Mwesige, the L. C I Chairperson for Kimango village where Cardinal Nsubuga Memorial Secondary School is located have since appealed to the District NRM Chairperson, Dr. Chrispus Kiyonga, who is also a member of the Central Executive Committee for the party to lobby for the institution so that it is grant –aided by government. 

According to Mr. Tibamwenda, the sub-county is also challenged by the lack of a government Health Centre III and the prevalence of a poor road network. 

However, Dr. Julius Monday Bwambale Rude, the Bukonzo County East NRM Chairperson, says his office has been informed that government is in the process of elevating Kabingo Health Centre II to a Health Centre III status.  

In his response, Dr. Chrispus Kiyonga pledged to cooperate with the district leadership to ensure that their request submitted to the relevant government ministries, before appealing to the entire population to adopt the good feeding methods. 


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