Three Archdeaconries in South Rwenzori Diocese banned from holding Open – Air Crusades during the Diocesan Great Mission


As South Rwenzori Diocese plans to hold a Diocesan Great Mission slated for 13th – 19th November, 2023, three of her 14 Archdeaconries neighboring the Uganda – DRC border have been banned from holding Open- Air Crusades due to the increasing security threats in the district.

They include Lhubiriha, Bwera and Kitholhu Archdeaconries

Rev. William Muhindo Musisi, the Diocesan Director of Mission and Evangelism says they are skeptical that the open – air crusades might attract many people and thus the evil hearted ones might use them as an opportunity to enter the district and execute their deadly missions.

As a security measure, the Man of God stresses that every preacher would be given an introductory letter from the Diocesan Mission department accompanied by their national identification documents so as to avoid any inconveniences while doing God’s work.

The Great Mission will be held under the theme; “Where are you?” as drawn from the Biblical Book of Genesis 3: 9 – 11. It aims at reaching out to all the people of God regardless of their ethnicity, age and religious affiliations and it is targeting at least 1.2 million people.

Rev. Musisi explains that during this Mission week, they would target institutions of learning, hospitals, prisons and offices as well as conducting open-air crusades at all trading centres across the Diocese.

He has since appealed to the people of God to offer support towards such a Great Mission.  


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