A section of women under the Ruth Ministry at St. Paul’s Cathedral in South Rwenzori Diocese has regained hope of living improved lives after being supported by the church leadership.
The Ruth Ministry, according Ms Rachel Kyamukono, one of its members was formed to cater for the widows since the church had early formed many other associations including the Mothers’ Union, Christian Women Fellowship, the Boys’ and Girl’ Brigade, Fathers’ Union and the Children’s Ministry among others.
Ms Kyamukono says with support from the church leadership, they have been able to acquire skills in handcraft making, adding that such a project will help them to earn a living.
She narrates that the project was started in 2013 after being inspired by Rev. Can. Abia Were, the current Vicar at Hima Parish in Maliba Archdeaconry.
Mrs. Eunice Sunday Mutoro, the South Rwenzori Diocesan Mothers’ Union Worker says she is impressed by the women’s willingness to learn new skills for improved livelihoods.
She, however, cites the need for psychosocial support to be rendered to them since they are traumatized.
In his remarks, the Bishop of South Rwenzori Diocese, the Rt. Rev. Nason Baluku hailed the members for the smart initiative, pledging more support to them.
Bishop Baluku subsequently handed some materials including clothes for the dye; and pastes to the group so enable them continue with the production of handcrafts. ENDS