Viral Conjunctivitis (Red Eyes) infection sighted in Kasese


The Kasese District Health Department has officially disclosed that some cases of Viral Conjunctivitis (Red Eyes) infection have been sighted among the communities across the district.

Conjunctivitis commonly known as red eyes is a highly contagious infection that affects the covering of the eyeball (white part) and the inside of the eyelid. While it is usually caused by a virus, it can also be caused by bacteria.

Mr. Stephen Bagonza, the acting Kasese District Health Officer at least 15 students at Nyabugando Baptist Secondary School in Mpondwe –Lhubiriha Town and two residents from Nyamwamba Division of Kasese Municipality have shown the signs and symptoms of the disease as per the Health Surveillance reports, appealing to the communities to use appropriate health mechanisms.

Speaking to our reporter in an exclusive interview at his office in Rukooki today afternoon, Mr. Bagonza explained that the disease is transmitted through shaking hands and touching the eyes with dirty hands among others.

He called on the community members to embrace personal hygiene in an attempt to curtail the infection from spreading further in the district.

He implored the Head teachers of Schools to always isolate the students that they suspect to have presented signs and symptoms of red eyes disease while the community members were asked to take up some preventive measures including washing hands with soap and avoiding unnecessary body touches like shaking hands.


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