UWA announces the resumption of hiking activities to the Margherita Peak

The Uganda Wildlife Authority-UWA has announced the resumption of hiking activities to the Margherita Peak in Rwenzori Mountains National Park located in the Southwestern Uganda’s district of Kasese.

On May 14, 2024, UWA temporarily suspended hiking activities to Margherita Peak as a precautionary measure after a comprehensive assessment conducted in response to reports of a crevasse formation in the Margherita glacier. A crevasse is a crack in the surface of a glacier caused by extensive stress within the ice.

A press release dated August 20, 2024 and signed by the UWA Communications Manager, Bashir Hangi, indicated that UWA has successfully implemented safety enhancements to ensure the well-being of all hikers.

He noted the key among the improvements is the construction of a bridge across the crevasse in the Margherita glacier.

He categorically put it clear that with all those safety measures now in place, hiking to Margherita Peak would resume and subsequently assured the general public that they were very confident that those enhancements would provide a safer and more enjoyable experience for all visitors seeking to summit one of the Africa’s most iconic peaks.

The announcement came just three days to the Mt. Rwenzori International Tusker Lite Marathon slated for this Saturday August 24, in Kasese town.


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