URA lays measures to curb smuggling along the Uganda-Congo border in Kasese


In a bid to curb the high rate of smuggling goods along the Uganda – Congo border in Kasese district, the Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) has embarking on conducting community barazas aimed at sensitizing the community members about the importance of paying taxes.

Yesterday, the tax body conducted the Customs Regional Tax Baraza at Mpondwe One Stop Post in Mpondwe- Lhubiriha Town Council.

The barraza comprised leaders of Mpondwe market, Mpondwe Business Women Cross- border Traders’ group, immigration officials and the Mpondwe – Lhubiriha Town Council leadership.

In his keynote address, the acting URA Regional Manager in-charge of Western Uganda, Mr. Joel Kuka Mudumi, reported a high rate of smuggling of goods along the Mpondwe border, adding that people sneak in their goods through the porous points of Kyasenda and Mirami both in Karambi Sub-county.

To overcome the challenge, URA has resorted to deploying heavily along the porous points, calling for collective efforts from the public and other stakeholders through reporting to the relevant offices the people who are involved in acts related to smuggling.

He was also optimistic that the community barazas would help the tax body to reach out to communities and sensitize the members about the need to fulfill their obligations of paying taxes because they help in financing the national budget so that government is able to construct schools, hospitals and roads among others.

Mudumi explained that as one way of giving back to the community and appreciating the business people for paying taxes, URA through its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) component, would begin supporting the development projects in Mpondwe area.

In his remarks, the Kasese Deputy Resident District Commissioner in-charge of Bukonzo County, Lt. Maate Magwara, blamed the high rate of smuggling of goods in the country to the alleged laziness by the law enforcement officers operating along the Mpondwe border.

Mr. Selevest Masereka Mapoze, the Mpondwe – Lhubiriha Town Council Chairperson, who welcomed the idea of conducting community barazas, acknowledged that there was high rate of smuggling of goods at the border.

According to him, the challenge has not only affected the collections by the tax body but also has claimed the lives of smugglers who sometimes drown in River Lhubiriha during the rainy seasons.

On his part, Mr. Moses Mugisa, the Town Clerk for Mpondwe – Lhubiriha Town Council, appealed to the management of URA to interest themselves in supporting the education sector, adding that some schools do not have enough structures to accommodate the ever increasing number of learners.

However, some traders told officials from URA that they sometimes resort to smuggling in their goods into the country due to the alleged high taxes levied on their goods.


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