Kasese District Education Department has revealed the Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) has withheld the 2023 Primary Leaving Examination (P.L.E) results of at least 112 candidates who sat for their papers at three government grant-aided primary schools across the district.
The affected candidates include 55 out of 65 that sat from Kinyabisiki Primary School in Kyondo Sub-county, 45 out 52 at Bweyale Primary School in Maliba Sub-county and 12 out of 53 at Ruboni Primary School in Ibanda –Kyanya Town Council.
While officially releasing the district results today afternoon at the multi-purpose hall in Kasese town, the Acting District Education Officer, Mr. Ernest Bwambale Thabugha, explained that the fate of the withheld results remains unknown.
He, however, noted that UNEB would invite the affected candidates, officials and Head teachers of the affected schools together with the District leadership to its security committee for a fair hearing before taking a final decision on the withheld results.
He subsequently serious warned the Head teachers to distance themselves from all forms of malpractice that he described as a common habit in the district.
Commenting about the withheld results, the Deputy Chief Administrative Officer, Mr. Eriab Begumya Ntarwete, stressed that whoever would be found guilty of participating in the circumstances that forced UNEB to withhold them would be held accountable and punished.
During the function, Mr. Thabugha also mentioned the worst performing schools including Kahendero, Maghoma, Nyakanengo, St. Augustine Kitabu, Kyondo and Kasenyi among others where some candidates came in Divisions U and X.
He also reported that a total of 11,076 candidates including 5251 males and 5825 females sat for the 2023 Primary Leaving Examinations where 375 males and 321 females passed in Division One and 2,933 males and 3,174 females in Division Two among other grades.
Thabugha highlighted the best performing government grant-aided schools including Ruboni, Bwera Church of Uganda, Katwe Boarding, St. John’s Bukangara, Kagando, Hima Public, Kalonge Lower and Mweya among others.
The best performing privately owned primary schools were Kithula Model, Global Vine, Bright Star, Ndongo Baptist, Ibanda Progressive, Mariam Preparatory, Dusek and Good Care.
According to him, the district managed to get 93 candidates who scored between 04 and 08 aggregates from both government grant –aided and privately owned primary schools.
He happily announced that the district was ranked in the 65th position countrywide in the 2023 Primary Leaving Examinations compared to the 2022 results were the district was ranked in the 80th position translating into 93.4%age pass.