The need for the NRM members to rally behind their flag bearers dominates all caucus meetings in Bukonzo East, Kasese


The need for the NRM members to rally behind their flag bearers in the forthcoming 2026 General Elections has dominated all caucus meetings of the party leaders at Sub-county levels in Bukonzo County East, Kasese district.

The separate meetings that started on Monday and ended today in different Sub-counties and Town Councils across the constituency observed that the party had been losing most elective positions to the opposition political parties mainly FDC because some members including leaders had been supporting independent but NRM leaning candidates in the General Elections.

Therefore, the party leaders committed themselves never to support any independent candidate in the General Elections after losing the primary elections.

They also endorsed Gen. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni as their sole candidate for the Presidency and also revealed plans to front sole candidates on the other lower elective positions including the District Chairpersonship position and the Bukonzo County East Parliamentary seat among others.

Sarah Ithungu Baleke, the flag bearer for the Kasese District Woman Parliamentary seat, who also graced all the meetings, urged the party leaders to remain united and come up with a joint voice when it comes to mobilizing support for their candidates.

Dr. Julius Monday Bwambale Rude, the Bukonzo County East NRM Chairperson encouraged the party leaders to popularize all the government programs that have so far been implemented as outlined in the 2021 – 2026 MRM Manifesto. ENDS

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