Suspected ADF rebels kill two tourists and their driver in Katwe

Suspected Allied Democratic Forces-ADF rebels have yet again carried another attack in Kasese district claiming lives of three people.

The victims include two tourists and their driver who were killed before the assailants set the vehicle; a land cruiser registration number UBF 303C on fire.

Bashir Hangi, the Spokesperson of Uganda Wildlife Authority-UWA confirmed the incident to Messiah Radio but could not divulge more details.

The Chairperson L. C III for Katwe – Kabatooro Town Council, John Bosco Kananura said he received the news of the heinous acts at around 6pm reiterating that the incident happened in the Queen Elizabeth National Park past the K’abatooro gate towards Lake Nyamunuka along the Katwe- Katunguru Road.

The incident happened just a few days after the assailants also carried out another daring attack on a trailer at Katholhu village in Katholhu parish of Nyakiyumbu sub-county killing two people instantly and gravely injuring the other before torching the trailer registration number UBM 624L. This happened just a few metres away from Rusese Barracks.

The suspects also fired six bullets at the house of a one Kurusumu Biira whose house is just a few metres away from the Rusese Military Barracks.

President Yoweri Museveni later issued a statement indicating that the Uganda People’s Defense Forces had launched attacks and dismantled several ADF camps in the Democratic Republic of Congo causing them to scamper.

Mr. Museveni revealed that the scampering assailants could have been responsible for the attack on the vehicle that was carrying onions destined for Bwera Market from Kisoro district.

On April 2, 2019, gunmen abducted a female American tourist Kimberly Sue from Endicott and her driver Jean Paul in the Queen Elizabeth national park and demanded a 500,000 dollars’ ransom for them to release the duo.

Government Spokesperson, Ofwono Opondo then said the incident happened when Kimberley was undertaking a game-drive in Uganda’s second largest park near Katooke Gate and Wilderness camp in the Queen Elizabeth national park in the western district of Kasese.

The two were later rescued although it remained unclear whether ransom had been paid. The park borders the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo) that has been a haven for so many militias including the Allied Democratic Forces who are suspected to have carried out this attack. ENDS

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