Sub counties operating in rented buildings decry hiked money for rent


Political leaders of some sub-counties in Kasese district that are still operating from rented buildings have decried the way in which their Landlords have increased money for rent.

A case in point is Kitswamba in Busongora County North and Kitabu in Bukonzo County East.

Mr. Yofesi Katenene, the L. C III Chairperson for Kitswamba Sub-county says they have been affected by the increment. According to him, their Landlord has told them that with effect from next year, they will be paying shillings 600,000 per month from the shillings 200,000 that they have been paying.

He stresses that sub-county does not have money to buy a piece of land on which to construct the headquarters hence appealing to government to expedite the process of releasing the start –up fund for the lower local government  to be able buy land and construct their own buildings.

Similarly, Mr. Robert Kyana, the Kitabu Sub-county L.C III Chairperson says they have received a notice of increment from the Landlord.

He, however, stresses that council has resolved to spend the shillings seven million that they recently received for the Development Discretionary Equalization Grant (DDEG) to construct a small block in Kilhambayiro village to house the sub-county headquarters.

In a separate development, Mr. Kyana also observes need for the government to elevate Kabirizi Health Centre II to a health centre III status, arguing that it serves a bigger population in the area.


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