Street lights donation sparks happiness among Kasese’s Kidodo market vendors


Vendors at Kidodo Market in the Central Division of Kasese Municipality have got a reason to smile after Mr. Livingstone Kato Zungukuka donated two solar panel lighting systems worth shillings one million to provide light at the market and empower the business community carry on their activities during night hours.

While delivering the donation to the beneficiaries yesterday, Mr. Zunguka stressed that the facility which provides services to the community members needs to be supported by the leaders because it enhances the government’s revenue through the market dues paid by the vendors.

Mr. Zunguka, who has also expressed interest to vie for the Central Division Chairpersonship on the National Unity Platform (NUP) ticket, noted that he decided to donate the solar panels to the vendors at the market as a way of giving back to the community.

Mr. Moses Muhindo, the Secretary for the Management Committee of the Market, who appreciated the donation, called upon other leaders to support their business centre for its development.

Some of the vendors including Ms Agnes Kabugho and Loice Biira, hailed Mr. Zunguka for the donation. They, however, reported a challenge of lack of latrines and containers for putting in collected garbage hence compromising their health and sanitation.


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