Stakeholders in Kasse commit to protect women and girls against violations

The period to mark the 16 days of Activism has today ended with some commitments to protect women and girls against violations.

The 16 Days of Activism start on November 25 to December 10 every year to raise more awareness on the need to eradicate violence against women and girls and achieve the necessary gender equity for the development of the region.

According to the United Nations, at least 45,000 women were murdered by their intimate partners or family members worldwide in 2012.

At a press briefing held at Verina Gardens on Sunday, women activists in Kasese district reported that there some gaps that need to be closed so that their contributions towards eradicating the issue are achieved.

Annet Kobusinge from Uganda Network on Law Ethnics and HIV/AIDS explains that Uganda continues to grapple with gender imbalance where men domineer over their wives.

She said that as women activists, they have committed themselves to create awareness about imbalances at various places including at home and workplaces.

But, Jovia Kabugho, a woman told the press that the eradication of Gender-Based Violence is an urgent task that requires everyone’s commitment.  

Maureen Masika, the Chairperson Board of Directors for an organization called “In her Shoes” which convened the meeting adds that action is needed now to create a world in which all women and girls can live free from violence.

The Rwenzori East Regional Police Spokesperson, SP Luke Mbusa told the press that before October this year, the region was performing slightly poor but the trend has changed after embarking on mass sensitization about the issue using different channels of communication.


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