Evangelists in South Rwenzori Diocese have been encouraged to preach the gospel of Christ to all the people regardless of their religious affiliations.
The encouragement was sounded today morning by the Diocesan Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Nason Baluku while commissioning over 3,500 Evangelists from the Archdeaconries of Mahango, Nyamwamba, Kasese and Deanery at St. Paul’s Cathedral in Kasese town ahead of the Diocesan Great Mission that officially started today.
The one-week event that is targeting over 1.2 million people in Kasese district has been organized under the theme, “Where are you?” as drawn from the Biblical Book of Genesis 3: 9-11.
The Bishop also asked them to stand firm while doing their work as well as loving what they are doing as the only means of taking the word of God to the whole nation.
In his preaching, Dr. John Senyoyi, the Vice Chancellor at Uganda Christian University implored the Evangelists to go out and preach the world of God to all the people without segregation.
He also appealed to them to stay strong in Christ as they preach the gospel to the entire world that is full of sins.
Quoting the Biblical Book of John 3:16, the Man of God noted that God gave His only begotten son to the enemies but not friends, asking the Evangelists to do the same while working for God in the places that they have been sent to as Ambassadors of Christ.