Security in Kasese district to maintain its deployments at schools located along the Mpondwe border


Security operatives in Kasese district have reassured the administrators of schools located along the Mpondwe border that they will continue providing security to the learners at all times until the area will be declared free from the ADF insurgents.

Lt. Maate Magwara, the Kasese Deputy RDC in-charge of Bukonzo County says they cannot withdraw their soldiers from schools because the ADF rebels in Eastern DRC have been weakened by the joint operation of the UPDF and Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (FARDC) codenamed Shujja and thus they have resorted to soft targets in Uganda.

He sounded the remarks yesterday during a PTA meeting at Bwera Secondary School in Mpondwe – Lhubiriha Town Council.

He, however, requested the school administration to make sure that all the boarding facilities are enclosed as well as employing well trained and energetic security personnel.

Magwara called upon the general public to continue being vigilant by identifying and reporting people who might look strange to them in their respective communities.

In his remarks, Mr. Yokonia Bwambale, the Head teacher at Bwera Secondary School, assured the parents and guardians of good security at the institution and appealed to those who had become so skeptical about the security of their children while school not to worry because  government has done all its best to deploy at the institution.


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