Rwenzururu King returns to his Kingdom ahead of his 58th coronation anniversary


Hundreds of Obusinga Bwa Rwenzururu subjects from Kasese district today afternoon gathered at Rugendabara – Kikongo Town in Busongora County North to welcome their King ( Omusinga) Charles Wesley Mumbere Iremangoma who was returning to his Kingdom ahead his 58th coronation anniversary slated for October 19.

The Omusinga, who has been away from his Kingdom, entered Kasese District from Kampala at around 3:00pm, causing excitement to a section of his subjects who had gone to welcome him. He was later escorted in a convoy to his Kamaiba based Royal Palace.  

Hon. Juliet Best Bakoko, the Obusinga Bwa Rwenzururu Minister for Gender, Rehabilitation and Disability Affairs, applauded the subjects for the love they showed to their King, adding that the act was a sign of unity.

SP Luke Mbusa, the Rwenzori East Regional Community Liaisons Officer, called upon the Kingdom’s subjects to attend the forthcoming coronation anniversary that would be celebrated at Kilembe Mines Golf Course, assuring the loyalists of police’s commitment towards manning security at the event.

SP Mbusa, however, issued a stern warning to the people planning to engage themselves in criminal activities to stop forthwith or else risk facing the long arm of government.


1 Comment

  • Kabinga Joel October 11, 2024

    For God and my Kingdom

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