Residents of Matere Village in Mahango sub-county decry water crisis


Residents of Matere Village in Mahango sub-county have cited the urgent need for leaders to pay attention to water crisis that Mahango sub-county continues to grapple with.

According to the residents, women and children have to trek long distances to be in position to access safe and clean water for domestic use.

They made the remarks last evening during the commissioning of an improved water fetching point at Matere Village.

Henry Masereka says the establishment of an improved water fetching point comes as a sigh of relief to the mothers and children.

To Kasese leaders, women of Matere urged them to appreciate the fact that water is a basic need vital for the smooth running of any household and yet mothers brave long distances and spend a lot of time on merely fetching water.

The Matere water fetching point was improved with support from Dr Julius Monday Rude, who financed the works to a tune of UGX 700,000.

Dr Rude who also doubles as the Bukonzo County East NRM chairperson emphasised the need for bottom-up leadership where leaders respond to the needs of the local population. 

He however urged the residents of Matere to take good care of the water fetching point and ensure that it is not vandalized.


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