Residents of Karambi sub -county decry the prevalence of BBW


A Banana Bacteria Wilt (BBW) disease has been sighted in Karambi sub-county, Bukonzo County West in Kasese district, putting the farmers in worry.

The residents mostly from Kisolholho Parish claim that the disease has forced many of their banana plants to dry up.

 Mr. Uziah Syahungene, the Kisolholho Parish Chairperson says most farmers in the area have been perturbed by the disease.

He appeals to government to devise possible means of supporting the farmers with pesticides as an immediate means of fighting against the disease that has threatened the farmers’ efforts towards ending the challenge of food insecurity from their homes.

 On his part, Mr. Paddy Muhindo, the Karambi Sub-county Chairperson says they have resolved to arrest some farmers who will fail to cut and uproot their banana plants that have been affected by the disease.

In a separate development, Mr. Muhindo asks government to urgently address the issue of reinstating Lhubiriha Fish Market that used to give jobs to the young people in the surrounding sub-counties coupled with improving the welfare of the traders.


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