Residents in Kasese warned against misuse of smartphones.

By Moureen Biira

The Hima Divisional Police Commander in the Rwenzori East Policing Region has advised people with smart phones to understand the purpose why they own them so that they put them to a proper use.

SP John Nkundizana says most people who are using smart phones have in most cases abused their devices by disseminating information that is not appropriate.

He says much as police encourages information sharing, people should always cross –check the truthfulness of the information shared and its impact to the community.

SP Nkundizana observes need for the people to be patriotic by keeping information that might tarnish the government’s image.

He referred to the recent incident that happened in the Queen Elizabeth National Park at Katwe where two tourists and their guide were attacked and killed by suspected ADF rebels while the car in which they were travelling was also torched.

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