Religious leaders in Kasese urged to supplement government’s efforts towards promoting social services


The Kasese Deputy Resident District Commissioner in-charge of Bukonzo County has appealed to the religious leaders to always supplement the efforts of government that are geared towards promoting social services in their respective communities.

Lt. Maate Magwara (Rtd) sounded the appeal yesterday while addressing a section of believers that had thronged Ndongo Baptist Church in Kakone I village, Bwera sub-county to witness the licensingof three pastors and of five others ordained as Reverends.

Those licensed as Pastors included Pr. Kaleghire Baluku, Pr. Yohaz Baluku and Pr. Elias Masereka Kayiso while Tibenda Muhindo, Thalyaholho Bwambale, Edward Mugenyi, Tadeo Thembo Kasoro and Emmanuel Masereka were ordained as Reverends.

But while speaking to the congregation, Lt. Magwara explained that like other churches, the Baptist Church should in addition to preaching the Word of God interest herself in establishing more schools and health facilities for use by the members of the public hence supplementing the efforts of government. 

The Deputy RDC also encouraged the newly ordained servants of God to preach against the vice of corruption that he said affects development and service delivery in the country. 

Mr. Gregory Kombi Makotsa, the Bwera Sub -county Chairperson appealed to the Christian communities to sensitize the people about the need to embrace hard work in a bid to fight against food insecurity and poverty. 

While dedicating and charging the ordinants, Pr. Hezekiah Kule, the Chairperson of the Association of Baptist Churches of Kasese urged them to promote the gospel of repentance and to also direct the people on the right path of salvation.

In his sermon, Pr. George Mponye from Kisoro District and challenged the newly ordained servants of God to know to their responsibilities and accept to work for the Lord without expecting any payment from the people that they serve. He was quoting the Biblical Book of Jeremiah 1:1-13.

In their charge shortly after being ordained, the Pastors pledged to work for the Lord in fulfillment of the vows that they had just made before God, his church and the entire community.


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