PLE begins late in Kasese district.


Many primary schools in Kasese district especially those located in the hard to reach areas today morning registered a delayed start of the Primary Leaving Examinations due to late delivery of examination transcripts caused by the poor road network.

The most affected schools were from the mountainous sub-counties of Mahango Kyarumba, Kyondo, Kitabu and Munkunyu in Bukonzo County East, Kitholhu and Ihandiro in Bukonzo County West.

Busongora County South also registered similar challenges especially in the sub-counties of Muhokya, Lake Katwe and Karusandara while in Kasese Municipality; Bulembia Division was also affected by the late delivery of examination materials.

According to Harriet Masika, the Inspector of Schools in-charge of Bukonzo County West, the delay was caused by a poor road network as most distributors failed to navigate the slippery roads.

She cited St Peter’s Bulemera Primary School in Kitholhu sub counties as one of the schools where learners started their exams at 10am, an hour past the start time stipulated by Uganda National Examinations Board.

Mr. Erisania Kule, the Inspector of Schools in-charge of Bukonzo County East, told Messiah Radio that at Kihungu Primary School in Kyarumba sub-county was among the institutions of learning in the constituency where the examination materials were delivered at around at around 9:50 am and the morning paper started at 10:00am.

In Busongora County North, Mr. Selevest Baluku, the Kasese District Senior Inspector of Schools who oversees the institutions of learning in the constituency says a number of sub-counties in the area were mostly affected by the delayed delivery of examination materials. They include Bwesumbu, Maliba, Kyabarungira and Kitswamba.

Mr. Baluku who reported cases of absenteeism of candidates in a few schools, however, did not give details of the missed candidates.

Ms Rosemary Muhindo, the Inspector of School in-charge of Busongora County South, told messiah Radio that Kasenyi and Kibiri primary schools were mostly affected by the delayed delivery of examination materials due to impassable roads.

Mr. Seth Ahebwa, the Kasese Municipal Principal Education Officer, reported to Messiah Radio that schools located in the hilly areas of Bulembia Division were too affected following the late delivery of examination materials.

Mr. Earnest Bwambale Thabugha, the Kasese Acting District Education Officer while speaking to Messiah Radio at Kasese Central Police Station acknowledged he challenge of late delivery of examination scripts and attributed the matter to the poor road network in most areas of the local government.

He, however, repeated his earlier warning to the Head teachers and teachers against involving themselves in any form of examination malpractice. 


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