Operation Shujja joint forces rescue 40, recovers 9 guns


The joint operation between the UPDF and the Armed Forces of Congolese Army (FARDC) against the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) that is ongoing in the Eastern DRC yesterday rescued 40 people.

Those rescued from the ADF after a fierce fighting in Biakato, Mambasa territory, 67 km North West of Beni in ituri provinces include women and children.

Major Bilal Katamba, the Public Information of the UPDF Mountain Division and Operation Shujja says during the operation, the forces recovered 9 guns including 08 sub machine guns (SMGs) and 01 PKM, 06 walk talkies, several rounds of ammunition, magazines and other items including human drugs.

Major Katamba also told the press that the joint forces also put out of action 27 ADF terrorists in the fight and injured several others.

According to him, one soldier from the joint forces was injured in the leg. The injured soldier together with the rescued women and children were flown to the UPDF Muhote hospital for medical attention.

 The UPDF Operation Shujja Commander flew to Biakato to bring out the rescued, congratulate and morale boost the troops for the job so far well done. Maj. Gen Ricghard Otto received an overwhelming welcome from the people of Biakato who applauded the joint forces for saving the Wannaichi.

19 of the rescued persons are Ugandans from different parts of Uganda including Kyazanga, Mayuge, Nyanama, Magamaga and other areas. ENDS

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