One notorious member of the Gaza gang arrested in Kasese


The police in the Rwenzori East Policing Region have revealed that they have in custody a habitual thief belonging to a notorious Gaza Gang that has been terrorizing most areas in Kasese town.

SP Luka Mbusa, the Regional Community Liaisons Officer who also doubles as the acting Regional Spokesperson says the suspect he identified as Boy Komakech was arrested on Monday around the areas of Nyakasanga where he has been coordinating the attacks from.

According to him, Komakech is also reported to be the one leading a group of thieves to break into people’s houses and waylay their bags along the way as well as running away with their mobile phones after cutting them using sharp objects.

In a related development, the local authorities and residents of Kitooro Cell in Nyamwamba Division of Kasese Municipality have appealed to police not to release the alleged leader of the notorious Gaza Gang leader, Boy Komakech from their custody.

Mr. Isaiah Thembo, the area Local Council I Chairperson says the suspect has severally been terrorizing the residents not only in his area of jurisdiction but also in the entire Municipality and beyond.

He also implores the community members to always report to the authorities some people they suspect to be criminals so that they are apprehended for peace to be restored in their various areas.


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