One dies after falling into a pit latrine hole in Kirembe


Grief engulfed residents of Kyababinga in Kirembe Cell in Central Division of Kasese Municipality after a one year old young girl was found lying lifeless in a pit latrine hole that was being dug in the area.

The deceased child identified as Vivian Biira a daughter to Costa Bwambale went missing from home in the morning hours.

The father to the deceased girl, who had just returned from church then embarked on a search for his one year-old only to find her floating in an open water-logged hole that was being prepared to host a latrine in the neighbourhood.

It is against this background that Mr Jonard Makoma the vice chairperson Central Division has appealed to the people to always ensure that there is a mechanism that bars direct access to open holes especially by children.

By press time, the body of the body of the child had been taken to Kasese Municipal Health Centre for a post mortem. ENDS

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