One dies after committing suicide by poisoning in Muhokya Town Council


A man in his early 50s was today morning discovered dead in Lyemibuza Cell, Muhokya Town Council in Kasese district after allegedly committing suicide by poisoning.

Mr. Moses Kalisya, the Chairperson Local Council I for Lyemibuza Cell has identified the deceased as Dobolho Kambasu Watsumba, a resident of Kaghema Cell in Kyarumba Town Council.

Kalisya told the press the deceased had come to visit his wife with whom they had separated for close to 17 years.

According to him, it was not the first time for the victim to come to the area to either see the wife or help her harvest cotton.

He explained that it came to the surprise of the residents when they learnt that the Dobolho had been found lying lifelessly in a cotton plantation with an empty bottle of SELECT PLUS 315EC and a knife.

SELECT PLUS is a combination of pyrethroid with organo-phosphorus insecticide / acaricide with contact and stomach action and has repellent and translaminar effect. It is effective against a wide range of insect pests in cotton and field crops.

Mr. Kalisya has since appealed to the residents especially Land Lords at Lyemibuza Trading Centre to always report their visitors to the local authorities so that they are officially known.

An effort to get a comment from police as futile by press time as the known telephone number of the Rwenzori East Regional Police Person, SP Nelson Tumushime could not go through and neither was he readily available at his office.


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