Obusinga Bwa Rwenzururu embarks on holding community dialogues to create awareness about the dangers of Gender Based Violence


The Obusinga Bwa Rwenzururu has embarked on holding community dialogues aimed at creating awareness about the negative effects of Gender Based Violence in Kasese district.

The cases of Gender Based Violence that the cultural institution claims to be on an increase in the district include defilement, teenage pregnancies, rape, early marriages, HIV and domestic violence.

On Friday the officials from Obusinga Bwa Rwenzururu held a community dialogue at Kyemize Primary school in Muhokya Sub-county under the theme, “Protect the Girl, Save the Nation.”

The dialogue was targeting the communities of Muhokya, Kahokya and Kitabu and Mahango sub-counties.

While opening the dialogue officially, Hon. Lucy Biira Kabanyoro, the Obusinga Bwa Rwenzururu Minister for External Relations with other Cultural Institutions explained that the institution with support from government is currently on a campaign of sensitizing the masses about the dangers of any form of violence to the people.

According to her, the national statistics indicate that since 2019, there has been a surge in the cases of teenage pregnancies and defilement.

She noted that in 2019, the country registered 29,835 cases of early pregnancies and 29,557 in 2020 while 31,565 were registered in 2021.

For defilement, at least 13,613 cases were registered in 2019 and 14,134 in 2020 among children aged between nine and fourteen.

She also stressed that the Obusinga Bwa Rwenzururu was worried about some primary seven candidates in Muhokya sub-county who sat for the national examinations while pregnant.

In her remarks, the Obusinga Bwa Rwenzururu Minister for Gender, Hon. Aidaloy Mbabazi Syaghuswa, explained that the Omusinga has always made a pronouncement against the negative cultural practices including initiating dowries on underage children.

She strongly cautioned the general public against incest which according to her has been reported in some communities across the district.

Rt. Hon. Joseph Kule Muranga, the Prime Minister of Obusinga Bwa Rwenzururu, observed need for the Kingdom’s subjects to respect both the Ugandan and Obusinga Bwa Rwenzururu constitutions, adding that they both prohibit immorality.

The Kasese Deputy RDC in-charge of Busongora, Mr. Zepher Mubingwa, encouraged the young girls to always respect bodies and add value onto themselves in an attempt to attract good dowries to their families when they get married.

Mr. Fanahasi Masereka, a participant and resident of Busara village in Muhokya sub-county appreciated the approach that the Obusinga Bwa Rwenzururu has adopted towards fighting against violence that has hampered good parenting and education of the children.


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