
NUP leaders in Kasese donate examination materials to schools


The National Unity Platform (NUP) leaders in Kasese have launched a campaign aimed at donating examination materials to the government –grant aided schools across the district.

The campaign according to the opposition leaders is meant to improve the learners’ performance.

The campaign that targets candidate classes was launched yesterday in Kasese town with at least seven government-grant aided primary schools from the Central Division of Kasese Municipality benefiting from the programme.

They include Base camp, Kasese P.7 School, Mulongoti, Railway, Kirembe, Kamaiba and Kamaiba SDA primary schools respectively.

 Mr. Bryans Basisa, the Kasese District NUP Chairperson, who revealed that the campaign would be rolled out in other schools across the district, explained that the donation was a testimony that the party was committed to promoting education.

Ms. Alia Biira who represented Ms Fatuma Kathembo Kamama, the District Woman Parliamentary hopeful, noted that the provision of examination materials to the learners in their candidate classes was a way of bridging the gap in terms of resources that exists in government grant-aided schools.

At Base camp Primary School, Mr. Livingstone Kato commonly known as Zunguka revealed that the support would help in reducing the pressure exerted on the parents and learners hence paving way for them to concentrate on their academic related issues.

Ms Joseline Musoki, the School’s Deputy Head teacher hailed the donors for the initiative. ENDS


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