NUP in Kasese distances away from the emerging GAZA Strip


The leadership of the National Unity Platform (NUP) in Kasese District has distanced itself from the allegations that are trending on the different social media indicating that the Commander of the Panga Welding Goons codenamed “GAZA Strip” is the same Security Commander for the political party in Kasese.

 Social media especially WhatsApp groups are awash with information that in circulation revealing that the Commander of the Panga Welding Goons also doubles as the Security Commander for NUP in Kasese.

On Sunday morning, security operatives in Kasese district conducted an operation against the so called GAZA Strip Boys who are currently terrorizing most areas in Nyamwamba Division of Kasese Municipality and during the operation, at least five suspects were arrested.

Responding to the allegations on WhatsApp, the Kasese District NUP Chairperson, Mr. Bryans Basisa who also doubles as the party Coordinator for the Rwenzori sub-region denied the allegations and described them as baseless. He also requested the people who might be associating the party to such a group of GAZA Strip Boys to come up with proof.

Speaking to the press today afternoon at party office on Alexander Street in Kasese town, Mr. Basisa quickly encouraged the general public against to always deal with criminals individually but not associating it with any political party.

Mr. Basisa, who looked disappointed, attributed the allegations to what he called selfish people who want to tarnish the name of NUP and its supporters both in Kasese and outside the district.

At the same press conference, Mr. Basisa officially welcomed two FDC supporters including Charles Kule Kyamadukuma from Kathoma village in Rukooki sub-county and Lameck Thembo from Kyanika village in Maliba sub-county to NUP after declaring their allegiance. ENDS

1 Comment

  • Bwambale mitusera November 1, 2023

    Truly the one who came up with that info must be investigated for other details

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