
NRM Encourages Farmers in Kasese to Prepare for Planting Seasonal Crops


The ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM) party in Kasese district has urged local farmers to take advantage of the current period to prepare their gardens for the upcoming planting season.

Dr. Chrispus Kiyonga, the District party Chairperson, emphasized the importance of being strategic in their crop choices to avoid losses.

During a weekly press conference held at the District NRM offices in Kasese town, Dr. Kiyonga advised farmers to diversify their crops and consider planting seasonal varieties such as soya beans, sim-sim, sunflower, groundnuts, and cassava. He suggested that focusing solely on certain crops might lead to financial setbacks.

Accompanied by Mr. Johnson Kamalha Kalyasa, the District party Publicity Secretary, Mr. Robert Mitse, the Administrative Secretary, and Mr. Amon Mbusa, the party’s Registrar, Dr. Kiyonga also encouraged residents of mountainous areas like Bwesumbu to explore the cultivation of onions. He pointed out that onions are in high demand, offering an opportunity for improved livelihoods.

Highlighting the district’s agricultural strengths, Dr. Kiyonga mentioned that Kasese is renowned for its maize production, particularly in Rugendabara and Mubuku Irrigation Settlement Scheme. He attributed the success of farmers in these areas to their adoption of improved farming practices, including the use of fertilizers.

Additionally, Dr. Kiyonga advised farmers to consider cultivating passion fruits and coffee, but with careful consideration of the soil type and suitable species for their specific areas. He emphasized the potential economic benefits of these crops.

However, Dr. Kiyonga also cautioned against prioritizing cotton cultivation at the expense of food crops and other profitable cash crops. He pointed out that cotton has proven to be unreliable and, instead, encouraged farmers to focus on more sustainable alternatives.

The NRM’s initiative seeks to empower farmers in Kasese district and promote agricultural practices that enhance productivity and income. By embracing a diversified and strategic approach to planting, local farmers can mitigate risks and contribute to the region’s economic growth.

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