Muhokya – Busambwa Mini- Irrigation Scheme in Muhokya Town Council, Kasese district to be re-constructed


Kasese District Local Government will in the next financial year re-construct Muhokya – Busambwa Mini- Irrigation Scheme in Muhokya Town Council, Busongora County South after it was destroyed by floods in May this year.

The revelation was sounded today afternoon by the Kasese District Production Officer, Mr. Julius Baluku while presenting the facility’s assessment report to the farmers and leaders during a stakeholders’ meeting that was held at the Town Council headquarters.

The meeting was aimed at sensitizing the scheme’s beneficiaries about the usage of the facility.

Mr. Baluku told the meeting that the office of the District Agricultural Officer together with the Engineering department would soon begin assessing the facility and ascertain how much money would be needed to revamp the scheme for the benefit of the beneficiaries.

He also observed in the assessment report that the facility has the capacity to meet the water demands of all the farmers, warning them not to misuse the water through the construction of additional dams.

His warning followed reports indicating that some people had started advocating for the establishment of more dams. He was thus skeptical that act could culminate into conflicts among the scheme’s leadership.

In his remarks, Mr. Eriab Ntarwete, the Kasese Deputy Chief Administrative Officer urged the beneficiaries to embrace unity, peace and cooperation order to solve the conflicts that currently exist between the leaders and farmers.

He also called for an immediate audit of the scheme’s administration, arguing that it has been collecting money from the farmers without accounting for it.

Mr. Zepher Mubingwa, the Kasese Deputy RDC in-charge of Busongora County, told the meeting that he would arrest and prosecute anyone who would try to destabilize the current peace in the scheme. 


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