Mr. Kirere suggests that disaster mitigation measures be included UCMID program


A concerned resident of Kasese Municipality has appealed to the leadership of Kasese Municipal Council to consider putting a lasting solution to curtail the periodic flooding of River Nyamwamba using part of the funds by Uganda Cities and Municipal Infrastructure Development- UCMID in the next phase.

Recently in an exclusive interview, the Mayor Kasese Municipality, Chance Kahindo, told Messiah Radio that the Municipality has received shillings 57 billion to construct important roads in the urban centre under Uganda Cities and Municipal Infrastructure Development- UCMID.

According to the Mayor, the shillings 57 billion came after the Municipal Council was declared the best in utilizing shillings 53 billion that was given to the urban centre in 2022 under USMID.

Kahindo said that the said amount of money will be used to construct roads including Dr. Henry Bwambale, Kijongo, Bukonzo Rise, Kasese road, Isebiira in Kizungu, Lincoln, Saad and Mutanywana all in Central and Nyamwamba divisions.

However, Mr. Ben Kirere, a resident of this Municipality suggests that part of the shillings 57 billion, should be used to put a lasting  solution on issues related to the periodic flooding of river Nyamwamba that has always hit Kasese Municipality since 2013 and damaged property and claiming lives of people.

Mr. Kirere, a LCV hopeful for Kasese district, revealed his suggestion last evening while speaking to our Reporter after completing his visit to the most affected families in the Saturday’s floods of River Nyamwamba, adding even if the Municipality concentrates on constructing roads in the centre business area without considering River Nyamwamba, it would be wastage of funds.


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