Mpondwe – Lhubiriha residents to begin paying for garbage collection


In a bid to promote sanitation in Mpondwe – Lhubiriha Town Council, authorities have resolved to privatize garbage collection.

In this new arrangement, the residents and business community will be paying the contractor money to collect garbage from their business premises and homes so that it is properly dumped to the area that the urban centre will have earmarked as a dumping site.

The resolution, according to the area leaders, follows a public outcry indicating that the rate at which garbage is being littered along the roads is alarming hence creating a bad image to the border town.

Mr. Moses Mugisa, the area Town Clerk says after failing to manage solid wastes, they were left with no option apart from resolving that the residents should be paying the service provider to help in collecting garbage and ensure its proper disposal.

He is optimistic that the new arrangement will see the town clean because the residents will be curtailed from dumping their garbage along the roads and streets especially during the night hours.

Mr. Selevest Masereka Mapoze, the Town Council Chairperson attributes the poor garbage disposal in the urban centre to rapid urbanization and development in the area.

According to the UN habitat, many towns and cities are increasingly facing solid waste management challenges due to rapid urbanization, lack of technical and financial capacity or low policy priority.


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