Mpondwe-border business paralyzed as Arsenal & Manchester fans play against each other


Businesses at the border town of Mpondwe were yesterday paralyzed as the Arsenal and Manchester United Fans from Kasese Municipality joined their counterparts in Mpondwe – Lhubiriha Town Council.

The fans from the two English Premier League Teams had gone to the border town for a reunion, collect garbage and have friendly football matches.

Immediately after inspecting the development projects at the border, the fans of both teams gathered at Bwera Stage where they started collecting garbage.

Mr. David Musema, the Chairperson for Kasese Municipality Arsenal Fans explained that they decided to collect garbage in an attempt to promote health and sanitation as one of the core values of the association.

He appealed to the fans of both teams to desist from fighting as they show support to their respective teams.

Later, the visiting Arsenal Fans team played with the Manchester United Fans team from Mpondwe while the Manchester United Fans team played with their counterparts from Kasese.

Both teams from Kasese were defeated one goal to nil.


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