Man from Maliba camps at a businessman’s home in Kasese town


The Police in the Rwenzori East Policing Region are investigating circumstances under which a man from Maliba Sub-county in Kasese district decided to camp at the home of a businessman in Kasese town.

It is alleged that Mr. Pascal Muhindo commonly known as Capacity together with his sick daughter yesterday morning thronged the home of one William Munyanderu and pitched camp demanding over a debt of shillings 28 million.

SP Luka Mbusa, the Regional Community Liaisons Officer who also doubles as acting Regional Spokesperson says the issue was brought to his attention after the two parties failed to agree.

He has since advised the business community to always reach a common understanding with their clients than entertaining conflicts.

Earlier, Mr. Capacity had told the press that he decided to come to Mr. Munyanderu’s home in Kidodo cell of the Central Division in Kasese Municipality to demand for his money whose payment had been overdue.

He notes that he badly wants his money to facilitate the medical bills for her sick daughter who has been referred to Mulago National Referral Hospital for specialized treatment.

Mr. Geoffrey Sharif Masereka, the Local Council I Chairperson for Kidodo cell, suggests to the people to avoid going for loans when they are not assured of where to get money to repay them in time.


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